Welcome to Maya's, your cosy coffee haven in the heart of Oxford. Owned by three siblings passionate about coffee, our family-run café is a welcoming space where our baristas, each with diverse backgrounds and experience, serve up more than just a cup of joe—they offer genuine connections and warm smiles :)

Committed to quality, we source ethically and craft each brew with expertise and care. Step inside and enjoy the aroma of freshly brewed coffee over chocolate treats and cake. In our little nook, laughter fills the air and friendships flourish over steaming mugs.

Each and every sip is a moment of joy, and every visit feels like you’re coming home <3

  • https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1t9Faxbo4VSknSddMUtmBw?si=ac2de23e54904ad4

  • https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4nsV3bIOSFZaIvF6JRzXGX?si=43b751ca40324da8


let's stay in touch!

Hey friends! Got something on your mind? Shoot us an email or hit us up on Instagram—it's all good! Whether you've got burning questions, a killer CV, some awesome photos, or just a great story to share, we're all ears. Don't be shy—drop us a line and let's chat! We can't wait to hear from you and see what you've got brewing!